모바일 메뉴 닫기

학과소개 및 연혁

Vision, Education, Objectives


Political Science and Diplomacy is an academic discipline to help college students to contribute to a righteous and peaceful community at the local, national, and international levels in the era of "glocalization." First of all, in pursuit of the vision, the Department nurtures persons who can play a role for local development by practicing grassroots democracy in the fields of local politics and administration. Secondly, the Department produces pillars of Korea who can lead democracy of the country based on its freedom and equality, prosperous economy, and peaceful reunification. Finally, the Department fosters talented people who can orchestrate a peaceful and harmonious human society in the globalized world. In order to reach the goals, for example, the Department educates and encourages students to seek for opportunities in local parliaments and governments, the National Assembly, and the Presidency. In addition, the Department cultivates their leadership to work for international development and cooperation.


The Department pursues excellence in education of future leaders armed with a philosophy to run a democratic community based on freedom and equality. After the four-year education in the Department, graduates are expected to become leaders who can present a sage vision for a human community at the local, national, and global levels.

The Department also makes efforts to raise future leaders filled with the spirit of sacrifice and devotion for the constituents of their communities. Graduates are supposed to respect and serve others and put public duties in front of personal matters in value.


The Department provides various curriculums for the degrees of B.A. M.A. and Ph.D. For graduate students, in details, curriculums are organized for two separate tracks of 1) political theory and comparative politics and 2) international relations and security. For undergraduate students, they are designed in balance between four different subfields of Political Science and Diplomacy: Korean politics, comparative politics, political theory, and international relations.

Meanwhile, the Department also participates in several educational programs across the University, including an undergraduate major of the Interdepartmental Program for International Studies and graduate majors such as International and Military Studies of the Graduate School of Peace and Security Studies, Global Public Policy Studies of the Graduate School of National Public Policy, Reunification and North Korean Studies of the Graduate School of Public Administration, and Social Studies Education of the Graduate School of Education.

년도, 월, 내용을 제공하는 목록
2018 07월
2018년 제24회 전국대학생 모의유엔회의 개최
-일시: 2018.7.4(수)~7.7토)
-장소: 충남대학교
2016 03월
2016년~2019년 (4년) 통일교육 선도대학 지정 육성사업 운영
2014 03월
지방대학 특성화 발굴지원사업-"국제개발협력 인재 양성사업단" 주관학과
2013 03월
2013년 CNU 취업생태계 조성을 위한 대학 및 학과 특성화 사업-언론인 양성 프로그램 운영
2012 03월
2012년 21세기 글로벌리더육성프로그램-청도 현장학습(2012년 11월)
2010 03월
2010년  21세기 글로벌 리더육성 프로그램 - 캄보디아 현장학습(2011년 2월)
2009 03월
사회과학대학 정치외교학과 학생 선발
2009년 대학경쟁력 강화사업-"21세기 글로벌 리더 육성 프로그램"
1차: 2009년 10월 북경 현장학습
2차: 2010년  1월 상해 현장학습
1999 03월
법정계열로 학부생 선발
1996 03월
대학원 박사과정 신설
1989 03월
대학원 석사과정 개설