- 작성자화학과
- 작성일20.03.27
- 조회수1387
2019충남대학교 소재화학연구소 국제학술대회 2019 International Symposium on Materials Chemistry *일시:2019. 11. 7(화) *장소:기초과학2호관 110호 *주관:충남대학교 소재화학연구소 *후원:충남대학교 화학물질특성분석 핵심연구지원센터 < Program > 13:30–14:00 Registration 14:00–14:10 Opening Remarks :Prof. Chanyong Lee(Dean, CNS ) Prof. Youngku Sohn (Director, RIMC, CNU) Session I Chairperson : Prof.Kyung-sun Son(Chungnam National University, Korea) 14:10-14:40 Prof. Jaebeom Lee(Chungnam National University, Korea) “Magnetoplasmonics: Nanoscale Control of Optical and Plasmonic Field” 14:40-15:10 Prof. Van Dong Nguyen(Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) “Speciation analysis of arsenic and mercury in various samples” 15:10-15:40 Prof. Lee Wah LIM(Gifu University, Japan) “Microwave-assisted Preparation of Monolithic Stationary Phases for Capillary Liquid Chromatography” 15:40 - 15:50 Discussion 15:50 - 16:10 Coffee Break Session II Chairperson : Prof. Jungseok Heo(Chungnam National University, Korea) 16:10-16:40 Prof. Pavel N. Nesterenko(Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Federation) “3D printing in analytical chemistry: current state and future” 16:40-17:10 Prof. Tae-Young Kim(GIST, Korea) “Deuterium Oxide Labeling for Global Omics Relative Quantification & Its Application to Lipidomics” 17:10-17:40 Prof. Dong-Ku Kang(Incheon National University, Korea) “Nano-biosensors and biochip technologies for rapid and sensitive biomarker detection in complex biological samples” 17:40-17:50 Discussion 17:50-18:00 Photo Time 18:00 –20:00 Dinner
- 작성자화학과
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