
[면역학 및 의학미생물학 연구실 소개]

본 연구실은 인체에 질병을 일으키는 미생물의 공격과 이에 대한 생체 내 방어체계인 면역학 분야와 의학미생물학 분야를 연구한다. 특히, 감염성/염증성 질환, 면역/자가면역 질환, 발암기작과 면역조절 기전과의 연관성 규명과 관련된 분자면역학적 연구를 수행하고 있다. 최근 cancer immunotherapy와 cancer therapeutic vaccine 제조에 대한 새로운 platform 제조 기술 개발에 대한 연구 분야를 확대하고 있으며, 궁극적으로 면역체계와 감염/염증/자가면역/발암기작 조절 사이의 연관관계를 규명하고자 한다. 특히, 본 연구실의 연구수행은 면역 질환 연관 신규 유전자 발굴, 생체 신호전달기작 규명, 유전자적중/형질전환 생쥐 개발 등 특정 질환의 원인을 규명할 수 있는 분자, 세포, 줄기세포, 동물 모델에 이르기 까지 최신 기술들을 사용하고 있으므로, "Gene to Animal"에 대한 폭넓은 학문적 지식과 다양한 기술 습득이 요구된다.

[연구 관심 분야]

1) 면역학 분야 (Immunology Field)

     - 감염성/염증성 질환 기작 연구 

     - 면역/자가면역 질환 기작 연구

     - TNFR/TLR 신호전달 기작 연구

     - Recombinant vaccine과 cell-based vaccine platform 연구

     - 면역질환 연관 유전자적중 및 형질전환동물 개발

2) 암 면역학 분야 (Cancer Immunology Field)

     - 유전자적중 생쥐 이용 발암기작과 면역조절과의 연관성 연구

     - 암 미세환경에서 면역조절과 발암/전이기작과의 연관성 규명

     - Cancer immunotherapy 연구

     - Cancer therapeutic vaccine 연구 

3) 골 면역학 분야 (Osteoimmunology Field)

    - 파골, 조골세포 기능분석을 통한 골다공증 치료제 개발

    - 파골, 조골세포 분화 연관 신호전달기작 연구

    - 줄기세포 이용 골세포 분화경로 규명

    - 형질전환 및 유전자적중 생쥐 개발 통한 골질환 동물모델 개발

[대학원생/연구원 모집]

   - 면역학 및 의학미생물학 분야 연구에 흥미와 열정을 가진 학부생/대학원생/연구원

   - 학사, 석사, 박사, 석박사 통합, 석사연구원, 박사후연구원 등

[연구실원 (2024)]

- 박사과정: 박혜원, 유진선, 이주영, 국연희, 조민성, 임승연

- 석사과정: 김성재, 박정돈, 이인섭, 주솔비

- 학사과정: 송정민 

[연구논문 발표: 2000년 이후] 


Hong J, Sohn KC, Park HW, Jeon H, Ju E, Lee JG, Lee JS, Rho J*, Hur GM*, Ro H*. All-in-one IQ toggle switches with high versatilities for fine-tuning of transgene expression in mammalian cells and tissues. Molecular Therapy: Methods & Clinical Development. 2024. Mar 14; 32(1): 101202. (*, co-corresponding author).

Kook YH, Lee H, Lee J, Jeong Y, Rho J, Heo WD, Lee S. AAV-compatible optogenetic tools for activating endogenous calcium channels in vivo. Molecular Brain. 2023. Oct17. 16 (73):1-16. 

Park ES, Jeon H, Lee N, Yu J, Park HW, Satoh T, Akira S, Furuyama T, Lee CH, Choi JS, Rho J. TDAG51 promotes transcription factor FoxO1 activity during LPS-induced inflammatory responses. EMBO Journal. 2023. Jul 3. 42(13): e111867. Selected as the highlighted paper (hanbitsa) in 2023, KOREA by Biological research information center (BRIC,https://www.ibric.org/hanbitsa/treatise_index.php). 

Kim SY, Seo HW, Park MS, Park CM, Seo J, Rho J, Myung S, Ko KS, Kim JS, Ryu CM. Exploitation of a novel adjuvant for polymyxin B against multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2023 Apr 3;78(4):923-932.

  • Jeon H, Amarasekara DS, Lee N, Park H-W, Yu J, Rho J. TDAG51 deficiency attenuates dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in mice. Scientific Reports. 2022. Nov 30;12(1):20619. 

  • Jeon H, Yu J, Hwang JM, Park H-W, Yu J, Lee Z-W, Kim T, Rho J, 1,3-Dibenzyl-5-Fluorouracil Prevents Ovariectomy-Induced Bone Loss by Suppressing Osteoclast Differentiation. Immune Network. 2022. Oct 1;22(5):e43.

  • Hyun SA, Ko MY, Jang S, Lee BS, Rho J, Kim KK, Kim WY, Ka M. Bisphenol-A impairs synaptic formation and function by RGS4-mediated regulation of BDNF signaling in the cerebral cortex. Disease Models & Mechanisms. 2022. Jul 25;15(7).

  • Ko MY, Hyun SA, Jang S, Seo JW, Rho J, Lee BS, Ka M. Butylparaben Induces the Neuronal Death Through the ER Stress-Mediated Apoptosis of Primary Cortical Neurons. Neurotoxicity Research. 2022. Feb 01; 40(1):36-43. 

  • Lee CY, Hyun SA, Ko MY, Kim HR, Rho J, Kim KK, Kim WY, Ka M. Maternal Bisphenol A (BPA) Exposure Alters Cerebral Cortical Morphogenesis and Synaptic Function in Mice. Cerebral Cortex. 2021. Oct 22; 31(12): 5598-5612.

  • Kim H, Lee K, Kim JM, Kim MY, Kim JR, Lee HW, Chung YW, Shin HI, Kim T, Park ES, Rho J, Lee SH, Kim N, Lee SY, Choi Y, Jeong D. Selenoprotein W ensures physiological bone remodeling by preventing hyperactivity of osteoclasts. Nature Communications. 2021 Apr 15;12(1):2258.

  • Amarasekara DS, Kim S, Rho J. Regulation of Osteoblast Differentiation by Cytokine Networks. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021. Mar 11. 22(6), 2851. Selected as the highly cited paper of IJMS in 2021.

  • Yu J, Kim S, Lee N, Jeon H, Lee J, Takami M, Rho J. Pax5 Negatively Regulates Osteoclastogenesis through Downregulation of Blimp1. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021. Feb 20. 22(4), 2097.

  • Kim S, Lee N, Park ES, Yun H, Ha TU, Jeon H, Yu J, Choi S, Shin B, Yu J, Rhee SD, Choi Y, Rho J. T-Cell Death Associated Gene 51 Is a Novel Negative Regulator of PPARγ That Inhibits PPARγ-RXRα Heterodimer Formation in Adipogenesis. Molecules and Cells. 2021 Jan 31;44(1):1-12.

  • Lee N, Yun H, Lee C, Lee Y, Kim E, Kim S, Jeon H, Yu C, Rho J. Engineered Recombinant PON1-OPH Fusion Hybrids: Potentially Effective Catalytic Bioscavengers against Organophosphorus Nerve Agent AnalogsJournal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2021 Jan 28;31(1):144-153.

  • [2011~2020]
    • Yun H, Park ES, Choi S, Shin B, Yu J, Yu J, Amarasekara DS, Kim S, Lee N, Choi JS, Choi Y, Rho J. TDAG51 is a crucial regulator of maternal care and depressive-like behavior after parturition. PLoS Genetics. 2019 Jun 28;15(6):e1008214. Selected for the Research Highlight in “Laboratory Animals” journal: Le Bras, A. TDAG51 linked to postpartum depression. Lab Animal. 48, 263 (2019) doi:10.1038/s41684-019-0389-4.

    • Kim HJ, Choi JH, Hwang JH, Kim KS, Noh JR, Choi DH, Moon SJ, Kim HY, Kim SW, Choi S, Eum SM, Bach TT, Rho J, Lee JY, Park JG, Oh SR, Lee CH, Oh WK, Kim YH. 3,5-Di-C-β-D-glucopyranosyl phloroacetophenone, a major component of Melicope ptelefolia, suppresses fibroblast activation and alleviates arthritis in a mouse model: Potential therapeutics for rheumatoid arthritis. International Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2018 Nov;42(5):2763-2775.

    • Amarasekara DS, Yun H, Kim S, Lee N, Kim H, Rho J. Regulation of Osteoclast Differentiation by Cytokine Networks. Immune Network. 2018. Feb 7. 18(1). e8.  Awarded to the “Excellent Paper Award (SCI citation area)” from the Korean Association of Immunologists. 2019. 11.1.

    • Yu J, Choi S, Kim H, Lee N, Yun H, Kim S, Jeong S, Rho J. Generation of an osteoblast-based artificial niche that supports in vitro B lymphopoiesis. Experimental & Molecular Medicine. 2017. Nov 24. 49(11). e400.

    • Yun H, Lee S, Kim S, Yu J, Lee N, Lee J, Kim ND, Yu C, Rho J. Improved hydrolysis of organophosphorus compounds by engineered human prolidases. Protein & Peptide Letters. 2017. Apr 28. 24(7). 617-625.

    • Yun H, Yu J, Kim S, Lee N, Lee J, Lee S, Kim ND, Yu C, Rho J. Expression and purification of biologically active recombinant human paraoxonase 1 from a Drosophila S2 stable cell line. Protein Expression & Purification. 2017. Mar 1, 131: 34-41.
    • Kamau AN, Park JE, Park ES, Yu JE, Rho J, Shin HJ. Porcine amino peptidase N domain VII has critical role in binding and entry of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus. Virus Research. 2017 Jan 2, 227:150-157. 

    • Yu J, Yun H, Shin B, Kim Y, Park ES, Choi S, Yu J, Amarasekara DS, Kim S, Inoue J, Walsh MC, Choi Y, Takami M, Rho J. Interaction of TRAF6 and Vav3 in the RANK Signaling Complex Enhances Osteoclastogenesis. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2016 Sep 23;291(39):20643-60. 

    • Lee K, Chung YH, Ahn H, Kim H, Rho J, Jeong D. Selective Regulation of MAPK Signaling Mediates RANKL-dependent Osteoclast Differentiation. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 2016 Jan 1;12(2):235-45. 

    • Park ES, Choi S, Shin B, Yu J, Yu J, Hwang JM, Yun H, Chung YH, Choi JS, Choi Y, Rho J. TRIP negatively regulates the TRAF2 ubiquitin-dependent pathway by suppressing the TRAF2-S1P interaction. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2015. Apr 10; 290(15): 9660-9673. 

    • Amarasekara DS, Yu J, Park ES, Choi S, Yu J, Rho J. Bone Loss Triggered by the Cytokine Network in Inflammatory Autoimmune Diseases. Journal of Immunology Research. 2015, May 04. 2015:832127. 

    • Park JE, Park ES, Yu JE, Rho J, Paudel S, Hyun BH, Yang DK, Shin HJ. Development of transgenic mouse model expressing porcine aminopeptidase N and its susceptibility to porcine epidemic diarrhea virus. Virus Research. 2015 Feb 2;197:108-15.

    • Hwang JW, Baek YM, Jang IS, Yang KE, Lee DG, Yoon SJ, Rho J, Cho CK, Lee YW, Kwon KR, Yoo HS, Sung JS, Kim S, Park JW, Jang BC, Choi JS. An enzymatically fortified ginseng extract inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis of KATO3 human gastric cancer cells via modulation of Bax, mTOR, PKB and IκBα. Molecular Medicine Reports. 2015 Jan;11(1):670-6.

    • Shin B, Yu J, Park ES, Choi S, Yu J, Hwang JM, Yun H, Chung YH, Hong KS, Choi JS, Takami M, Rho J. Secretion of a truncated Ostm1 mutant inhibits osteoclastogenesis through downregulation of the Blimp1-NFATc1 axis. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2014. Dec 26;289(52):35868-81. 

    • Kang MR, Jo SA, Yoon YD, Park KH, Oh SJ, Yun J, Lee CW, Nam KH, Kim Y, Han SB, Yu J, Rho J, Kang JS. Agelasine D Suppresses RANKL-Induced Osteoclastogenesis via Down-Regulation of c-Fos, NFATc1 and NF-κB. Marine Drugs. 2014 Nov 24;12(11):5643-56. 

    • Lim H, Cheong HK, Rho JR, Hyun JK, Kim YJ. Expression, purification and characterization of human vacuolar-type H(+)-ATPase subunit d1 and d2 in Escherichia coli. Protein Expression and Purification. 2014 Jun;98:25-31. 

    • Park ES, Kim J, Ha TU, Choi JS, Hong KS, and Rho J. TDAG51 deficiency promotes oxidative stress-induced apoptosis through the generation of reactive oxygen species in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Experimental and Molecular Medicine. 2013. Aug 9;45:e35.
    • Hossain GS, Lynn EG, Maclean KN, Zhou J, Dickhout JG, LhotÐk S, Trigatti B, Capone J, Rho J, Tang D, McCulloch CA, Al-Bondokji I, Malloy MJ, Pullinger CR, Kane JP, Li Y, Shiffman D, Austin RC. Deficiency of TDAG51 protects against atherosclerosis by modulating apoptosis, cholesterol efflux, and peroxiredoxin-1 expression. Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA). 2013 May 17;2(3): e000134. 

    • Yu J, Choi S, Park ES, Shin B, Yu J, Lee SH, Takami M, Kang JS, Meong H, Rho J. D-chiro-inositol Negatively Regulates the Formation of Multinucleated Osteoclasts by Down-Regulating NFATc1. Journal of Clinical Immunology. 2012 Dec;32(6):1360-71. 

    • Cai QY, Lee H, Kim EJ, Moon H, Chang K, Rho J, Hong KS. Magnetic resonance imaging of superparamagnetic iron oxide-labeled macrophage infiltrates in acute-phase renal ischemia-reperfusion mouse model. Nanomedicine. 2012. Apr. 8(3):365-373. 

    • Ock S, Ahn J, Lee SH, Park H, Son JW, Oh JG, Yang DK, Lee WS, Kim HS, Rho J, Oh GT, Abel ED, Park WJ, Min JK, Kim J. RANKL is a novel inducer of myocardial inflammation. Cardiovascular Research. 2012. Apr. 94(1):105-114. 

    • Barrow AD, Raynal N, Andersen TL, Slatter DA, Bihan D, Pugh N, Cella M, Kim T, Rho J, Negishi-Koga T, Delaisse JM, Takayanagi H, Lorenzo J, Colonna M, Farndale RW, Choi Y, Trowsdale J. OSCAR is a collagen receptor that costimulates osteoclastogenesis in DAP12-deficient humans and mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2011. Sep 1;121(9):3505-16. 

    • Lee KB, Hwang JM, Choi IS, Rho J, Choi JS, Kim GH, Kim SI, Kim S, Lee ZW. Direct Monitoring of the Inhibition of Protein-Protein Interactions in Cells by Translocation of PKC- Fusion Proteins. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2011. Feb 7;50(6):1314-7. 

  • Hwang JM, Lee KB, Choi JS, Rho J, Kim GH, Kim SI, Kim S, Lee ZW. Novel Technology for Protein-Protein Interaction-based Targeted Drug Discovery. Journal of Analytical Science and Technology (2011) 2 (Suppl A), A61-A65. 

    • [2000~2010]
    • Kim T, Ha H, Kim N, Park ES, Rho J, Kim EC, Lorenzo J, Choi Y, Lee SH. ATP6v0d2 deficiency increases bone mass, but does not influence ovariectomy-induced bone loss. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2010. Dec 3;403(1):73-8. 

    • Kim J, Min JK, Park JA, Doh HJ, Choi YS, Rho J, Kim YM, Kwon YG. RANKL Is a Novel Inducer of Tissue Factor in Macrophages. Circulation Research. 2010. Oct 1;107(7):871-6.
    • Yu J, Shin B, Park ES, Yang S, Choi S, Kang M, Rho J. Protein arginine methyltransferase 1 regulates herpes simplex virus replication through ICP27 RGG-box methylation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2010. Jan 1, 391(1):322-328. 

    • Yuk JM, Shin DM, Yang CS, Kim KH, An SJ, Rho J, Park JK, Jo EK. Role of apoptosis-regulating signal kinase 1 in innate immune responses by Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-GuIJrin. Immunology and Cell Biology. 2009 Jan;87(1):100-7. 

    • Heo JC, Rho JR, Kim TH, Kim SY, Lee SH. An aqueous extract of green tea Camellia sinensis increases expression of Th1 cell-specific anti-asthmatic markers. Internatinal Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2008 Dec;22(6):763-7. 

    • Lee SH, Kim T, Park ES, Yang S, Jeong D, Choi Y, Rho J. NHE10, an osteoclast-specific member of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger family, regulates osteoclast differentiation and survival. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2008. May 2, 369(2):320-6. 

    • Heo JC, Woo SU, Kweon MA, Park JY, Lee HK, Son M, Rho JR, Lee SH. Aqueous extract of the Helianthus annuus seed alleviates asthmatic symptoms in vivo. Internatinal Journal of Molecular Medicine. 2008 Jan;21(1):57-61. 

    • Park ES, Choi S, Kim JM, Jeong Y, Choe J, Park CS, Choi Y, Rho J. Early Embryonic Lethality Caused by Targeted Disruption of the TRAF-interacting Protein (TRIP) Gene. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2007. Nov 30;363(4):971-7. 

    • Rho J, Choi S, Jung CR, Im DS. Arginine methylation of Sam68 and SLM proteins negatively regulates their poly(U) RNA binding activity. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2007. Oct 1;466(1):49-57. 

    • Min JK, Cho YL, Choi JH, Kim Y, Kim JH, Yu YS, Rho J, Mochizuki N, Kim YM, Oh GT, & Kwon YG. RANKL increases vascular permeability; Impaired permeability and angiogenesis in eNOS-deficient mice. Blood. 2007. Feb 15;109(4):1495-502. 

    • Hayashida N, Inouye S, Fujimoto M, Tanaka Y, Izu H, Takaki E, Ichikawa H, Rho J, Nakai A. A novel HSF1-mediated death pathway that is suppressed by heat shock proteins. EMBO Journal. 2006. Oct 18;25(20):4773-83.
    • Lee SH, Rho J, Jeong D, Sul JY, Kim T, Kim N, Kang JS, Miyamoto T, Suda T, Lee SK, Pignolo RJ, Koczon-Jaremko B, Lorenzo J, Choi Y. v-ATPase V0 subunit d2-deficient mice exhibit impaired osteoclast fusion and increased bone formation. Nature Medicine. 2006. Dec;12(12):1403-9. 

    • Heo JC, Park JY, Woo SU, Rho J, Lee HJ, Kim SU, Kho YH, and Lee SH. Dykellic Acid Inhibits Cell Migration and Tube Formation by RhoA-GTP Expression. Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2006. 29(11) 2256―2259. 

    • Walsh MC, Kim N, Kadono Y, Rho J, Lee SY, Lorenzo J, Choi Y. Osteoimmunology: interplay between the immune system and bone metabolism. Annual Review of Immunology. 2006.24:33-63. 

    • Min JK, Kim YM, Kim SW, Kwon MC, Kong YY, Hwang IK, Won MH, Rho J, Kwon YG. TNF-related activation-induced cytokine enhances leukocyte adhesiveness: induction of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 via TNF receptor-associated factor and protein kinase C-dependent NF-kappaB activation in endothelial cells. Journal of Immunology. 2005. Jul 1;175(1):531-40. 

    • Rho J, Takami M, and Choi Y. Osteoimmunology: Interactions of the immune and skeletal systems. Molecules and Cells. 2004. Feb 29. 17(1) : 1 - 9. Selected as the cover page of Molecules & Cells in 2004.

    • So H, Rho J, Jeong D, Park R, Fisher DE, Ostrowski MC, Choi Y, and Kim K. Microphthalmia Transcription Factor and PU.1 Synergistically Induce the Leukocyte Receptor OSCAR Gene Expression. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2003. Jun. 27. 278(26): 24209-24216. 

    • Takami M, Kim N, Rho J, and Choi Y. OSCAR is a novel immunoglobulin-like molecule expressed on osteoclast. Experimental Medicine 2002 Nov 1; 20(17): 72-76. 

    • Rho J, Altman CR, Socci NC, Merkov L, Kim N, So H, Lee O, Takami M, Brivanlou AH, and Choi Y. Gene expression profiling of osteoclast differentiation by combined suppression subtractive1 hybridization (SSH) and cDNA microarray analysis. DNA Cellular Biology 2002 Oct 1; 21 (8): 541-549. Selected as the cover page of DNA & Cell Biology in 2002.

    • Takami M, Kim N, Rho J, and Choi Y. Stimulation by Toll-Like Receptors Inhibits Osteoclast Differentiation. Journal of Immunology 2002 Aug 1;169(3):1516-1523. 

    • Kim N, Takami M, Rho J, Josien R and Choi Y. A novel member of the leukocyte receptor complex regulates osteoclast differentiation. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2002 Jan 21;195(2):201-209. 

    • Rho J, Choi S, Seong YR, Cho WK, Kim SH, and Im DS. Prmt5, which forms distinct homo-oligomers, is a member of the protein-arginine methyltransferase family. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2001. Apr 6; 276(14), 11393-11401. 

    • Rho J, Choi S, Seong YR, Choi J, and Im DS. The arginine-1493 residue in QRRGRTGR1493G motif IV of the hepatitis C virus NS3 helicase domain is essential for NS3 protein methylation by the protein arginine methyltransferase 1. Journal of Virology 2001 Sep;75(17):8031-8044. 

    • Rho J, Gong S, Kim N, and Choi Y. TDAG51 is not essential for Fas/CD95 regulation and apoptosis in vivo. Molecular and Cellular Biology 2001 Dec;21(24):8365-8370. 

    • Kim D, Mebius RE, MacMicking JD, Jung S, Cupedo T, Castellanos Y, Rho J, Wong BR, Josien R, Kim N, Rennert PD, and Choi Y(2000) Regulation of Peripheral Lymph Node Genesis by the Tumor Necrosis Factor Family Member TRANCE. Journal of Experimental Medicine 2000. Nov 20;192(10):1467-1478.